
Being There When Our Candidates Need It Most: Up-Close With Gerard Soosay, TTM Clinical Manager and Trainer

25 September 2024

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“Healthcare workers perform incredibly valuable and rewarding work, meeting the ever-evolving needs of those they support. Having someone who understands their challenges and offers immediate support can make a significant difference. It’s about recognising their dedication, listening to their experiences, and providing the help they need to feel seen, heard, and supported”

For an incredible 15 years, TTM has been fortunate to have Gerard (Ger) Soosay on board as our Clinical Manager and Trainer. Ger is a qualified trainer in several safeguarding courses, a trained Supervisor (HSE) and provides Clinical Supervision and critical incident debriefing as part of TTM’s Employee Assistance Programme (EAP).

It’s an invaluable contribution and Ger’s role is one which truly sets us apart as a business. So, what does his job involve and how does his input have such powerful impact?

Ger is originally from Singapore and has worked in the care sector for more than 25 years – in Singapore, Sweden, and Ireland. He holds a primary and postgraduate degree in Psychology and has been in senior management for 10 years. Ger has found his home at TTM and loves what he does – his 15 years there is testament to that. He is a member of the Psychological Society of Ireland, The British Psychological Society (GBC), Social Care Ireland, Association of Healthcare Trainers UK, and is an Affiliate of the American Psychological Association. Ger joined TTM as Clinical Manager in 2009, providing Training and Clinical Support.


Ger is available for TTM's healthcare agency workforce in the event of a traumatic incident, an injury, a complaint, or any other issue where they feel they need to check-in and receive support. This ensures that staff never feel alone in a challenging or difficult time. Ger is there for them no matter the time or day, talking with candidates after hours or on weekends because they need support in that moment.

What really helps is that Ger has frontline experience – he knows what each staff member is going through, having experienced it himself.


For two days a week, Ger travels the country training healthcare workers, primarily on mandatory Safeguarding and Child Protection. Working with children is, for very good reasons, some of the most difficult work to access due to the huge responsibilities involved. Through his training, Ger equips staff with the knowledge they need to deal with Child Protection issues, including statutory regulations, legislations, and policies. It is incredibly rewarding work.

Ger also trains healthcare workers in methods for De-escalation, Conflict Resolution, and Crisis Prevention.

Ger opens up about his experiences and motivations below:

What do you find most rewarding about your work?

Through my work I’m giving back to society and making a difference. What motivates me too is that I’m using my experience to empower our staff to do the same. Inspired too by the fact that TTM is creating jobs in our communities - livelihoods and futures for families. I feel my work is about Realising Potential on so many levels.

What are some key qualities you believe are essential for someone in your position? 

Definitely ‘stay humble’ – I was taught this as a young boy and it remains with me and guides me, always. You need to have empathy and be able to ‘walk in their shoes’, and you will be someone who feels a responsibility to help others.

What do you admire most about the healthcare professionals you support? 

I admire their resilience and strength. I also appreciate their absolute passion for their work: every health worker is there because they feel driven to make a difference.

How do you keep up with the constantly evolving healthcare industry?

I do my own Continuous Professional Development. I have completed about 9 QQI courses and use the website to advance in subjects like Self-Harm, Aggressive Behaviour and Autism and Dementia Awareness. I also developed my own training course on Challenging Behaviours in Children and Adults.

What do you think sets TTM apart and how does your role contribute to that?  

It’s not ‘standard’ for agencies to have this kind of Clinical Support, and I think it shows that TTM has always been more than ‘just a business’ . It’s a company that believes in people, in the human experience, and in helping each person be the best they can be.

As technology continues to revolutionize the world, automation supports a seamless and efficient experience for our healthcare workforce. However, the genuine, in-person care and support provided by Ger’s role will always remain indispensable.

We congratulate Ger on his 15 years with TTM and thank him for his hard work, passion and invaluable contribution.

TTM Employee Assistance Program

We provide a 24/7 Mental Wellbeing Support Programme for our agency workers. This gives you round-the-clock access to counselling and practical advice for you and your family. It offers immediate help and support in managing whatever work or personal issues you are facing. Learn more here.