Tips to Make the Most out of Career Fairs

Go From ‘Inspired’ to ‘You’re Hired’
How to Get the Most from Your Next Career Fair
Whether you’re scouting the market for your next big healthcare career move or looking for that all-important first job, visiting careers fairs is a must. At TTM Healthcare Solutions ((TTM) we urge all Nurses, Doctors, Healthcare Assistants, Social Care Workers and Allied Health Professionals to visit job expos because they’re about so much more than just ‘window-shopping’ for work. By preparing yourself for fairs and using the opportunity well, you can come away with a wealth of new knowledge, a host of fresh contacts, some polished professional skills – and of course, a job.
So, what are career fairs?
Healthcare career fairs are held in large venues where different healthcare providers/employers set up booths and tell visitors about themselves and specific job roles they have available.
A career fair lets you look around and chat to employers - checking in with people in all areas of the industry and finding out about job opportunities. You can use fairs to grow your knowledge about the type of work that interests you and hear about career paths you might not have considered.
Why should I attend a career fair?
80% of all job offers come from networking, and a career fair is a great way to network and speak one-on-one with multiple prospective employers.
Since you will engage with prospective employers, a career fair will help you grow your confidence in selling yourself. Practising eye contact, talking about your skills, and speaking professionally are all things that will make sure you stand out and make a good impression. Healthcare career fairs can also offer free learning opportunities, such as seminars, tutorials and workshops.
How Should I Prepare for a Career Fair?
The more you put in – the better your result…
Do Your Homework
Decide which hospitals, healthcare systems and services interest you – and research them. Get a feel for their work culture, and job opportunities.
Be CV Ready
Securing an interview starts with a great CV – so make sure yours shines. Check that your education and work history is up-to-date, review carefully for errors or typos, and print your CV out on good quality paper.
Prepare an Elevator Pitch
Practice selling yourself in 60 seconds or less – providing an interested employer with a summary of your background, qualifications, experience and career interests.
Look the Part
Make a good first impression by dressing professionally.
Be Positive
Reflect positive energy, interest and enthusiasm. Ask questions, stay engaged and be friendly.
Work It!
Arrive early and focus on the employers that interest you and match your skillset. Network and find out about all positions available and how to apply. Ask if you can connect with them on LinkedIn. Follow TTM's LinkedIn profile for more tips and tricks.
Remember the ‘Afters’
Send thank-you emails to employers who had opportunities of interest. Be sure to keep an eye out for any follow-up emails or phone calls you receive as employers may wish to progress your interest to interview stage.
Use these tips to get open days and job fairs working hard for you, giving you the best possible opportunity to land that perfect job. Everything of the best!
TTM Healthcare Solutions has a busy calendar of Open Days throughout the year, where you can hear more about the job opportunities we offer. To keep updated with all the details, subscribe to our monthly newsletter.
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